Committed to Educating the Community
The Clyburn Foundation is committed to educating the community by advocating for continuous process of education, career, and life development. Through individual and group interactions, educational events, experiential education coordination, informational resources, and innovative use of technology the staff of the Clyburn Foundation seeks to:
- Assist students in identifying and utilizing their unique personalities, skills, and interests in exploring academic opportunities and career goals that is equivalent to their life plans.
- Educate and coach students in educational success, life building, self-marketing, and healthy lifestyles.
- Foster a strong liaison role with the High Schools, Colleges and Universities, and overall community to facilitate and provide consistent support and guidance with the ongoing integration of academics, career paths, and health life decisions.
- Initiate relationships within the nonprofit, educational, government, and business communities to develop learning opportunities for the students.
Committed Dedicated Staff
The Clyburn Foundation dedicated staff is committed to challenging the minds of students and the community to make personally authentic life choices to become valuable contributing members of an increasingly diversified society as our motto states Promoting Education, Changing Lives, Building Healthy Communities.
The success of the programs will be evaluated through surveys, briefings, follow-ups, and wrap-up sessions as these are tools used to identify success and community satisfaction or dissatisfaction.